Bob Bly, author of 80+ books and the man McGraw-Hill calls “America’s top copywriter,” shows you how to ….

Give a Great Talk!

When you master the art of public speaking, the world is your oyster…..

Dear Reader:

A survey from the London Times found that more than 4 out of 10 respondents listed public speaking as their number one fear – above illness, accidents, and even death.

But for many people in business, the ability to speak confidently, clearly, and persuasively in front of a group has wildly accelerated their success – whether they work for a corporation, own a small business, or freelance.

“Surveys keep confirming that presentation skills are vital to success in business,” says an article in the Undercover Recruiter. “If you can become that person that gladly steps up to talk, you will earn more, build your business, or get promoted quicker, and your personal brand will be boosted to new and greater heights.”

For instance, a Fortune 500 computer company once asked me to give an hour talk on marketing at one of their meetings. After the talk, they gave me a contract for $67,000 worth of copywriting!

There are thousands of meetings held across the globe every business day. Many require one or more attendees or guest speakers to give talks. If you’re selected, wouldn’t it be great knowing you can, with ease and confidence, deliver a scintillating presentation that will knock their socks off? Well now, you can…..

Discover how to “Give a Great Talk”!

Now, in my new 70-page e-book, Give a Great Talk: How to Plan, Write, and Give Winning Presentations, I show you the secrets of successfully talking in front of groups ranging from small workplace meetings to a packed auditorium at an industry event.

In its pages, you will discover:

  • Understanding your audience on a deeper level with the BDF formula. Page 4.
  • The 4 fundamentals of public speaking: pace, tone, volume, and projection. Page 31.
  • 16 handy phrases that help you transition to the next point. Page 26.
  • The ultimate secret to successful topic selection. Page 6.
  • Make your talk more fun with props and other gimmicks. Page 32.
  • How to write a compelling title and description for your talk. Page 9.
  • Poor speaking habits and how to overcome them. Page 33.
  • The SAP formula for public speaking. Page 11.
  • More tips for better public speaking: body language, eye contact, posture, position. Page 33.
  • Which is better – a narrow or broad topic? Answer on page 9.
  • What you need to know about the venue and event. Page 14.
  • Prevent technical mishaps from ruining your talk. Page 36.
  • Tailor your talk to the audience’s “hot buttons.” Page 17.
  • How long should your presentation be? Page 36.
  • 6 questions you should ask about your audience. Page 5.
  • The 9 types of visuals and when to use each. Page 29.
  • How to stand properly on stage. Page 35. Plus: tips for speaking from a lectern. Page 37.
  • How to infuse your talk with great content. Page 18.
  • How to close so you get a standing ovation. Page 38.
  • Overcoming anxiety, butterflies, and stage fright. Page 20.
  • Win the audience over with a pre-seminar walk around. Page 44.
  • What matters most – speaking ability or content? Page 43.
  • Why you need extra or reserve stories you can add to your talk on the spot. Page 53.
  • The #1 secret for speaking success. Page 21.
  • Handling hecklers, talkers, and other disruptive audience members. Page 47.
  • How to work the crowd. Page 23.
  • How to speak effectively to hostile audiences … uncaring or indifferent attendees … newbies … experts... Starts on page 51.
  • Tips for spicing up your speech. Page 24.
  • How to write for the ear and not for the eye. Page 15.
  • How to research your topic so you come across as knowledgeable and authoritative. Page 2.
  • Tip for making sure you cover everything your audience wants to know. Page 57.
  • Tricks for getting great evaluations for your talks. Page 55.
  • 42 tips for giving a successful presentation. Page 59.
  • How to organize your talk. Page 27.
  • Must you credit sources for material you “borrow” from them? The answer may surprise you. Page 27.
  • How to engage the group with audience interaction. Page 27.
  • The right way to use PowerPoint and other visual aids. Page 28.
  • Plus: a pre-program questionnaire … attendee audit form … and much, much more ….

Praise for Bob Bly’s marketing and business advice

"You are awesome! I will always come to you first for the products that I need. You have class, integrity, brilliance, naturally gifted, and you are second to none! I am impressed with and appreciate your prompt response."
--Adella Pugh

"Once in a blue moon, you get the chance to meet a living legend, one of the great men who has shaped his chosen field. In my unending pursuit of powerful marketing, I came face-to-face with just such a man. Robert Bly is America's Top Copywriter and a genius marketer. He's authored over 70 books for McGraw Hill and others, and gets paid more per word than nearly every author in America. Like all great men, he is a teacher and mentor extraordinaire. He freely shares the secrets of turning marketing into money."
--Dick Larkin

"Bob, your stuff is always so good that even though I'm retired now, I have to read it!"
--Gary Bencivenga

"You are someone I've grown to admire greatly. You share your knowledge with and encourage people in achieving their dreams, trying new things, and learning tricks of the trade. It's a rare 'guru' in our world today who is thoughtful and kind enough to help up and comers find the path to success. In my opinion, you are the very best. I'm grateful to you."
--Linda Capriotti

"After considering a number of high-level marketing professionals and reflecting on the matter for several weeks, I made the decision to ask Bob Bly to share the stage with me for my Twin Keys to Wealth-Building Conference. The reason I chose Bob is because I am convinced that he can deliver more tangible value to conference attendees than any other marketing or Internet expert on the planet."
--Robert Ringer, best-selling author

"I love your e-mails. Read every single one of them as they come in."
--Dr. Paul Hartunian

"I have huge admiration for your work. You're one of the few guys out there selling real information -- and selling it at a reasonable price! I think what you're doing is head and shoulders above others."
--Mark Joyner

"I receive so many e-mail offers -- too many -- but Bob always delivers a product worth having. The marketplace for writing and marketing products has become over-hyped; in that environment it's reaffirming to see that Bob continues to stand for a level of quality that matters -- and happily, at a price that works."
--Peg Prideaux

“Thank you for sending out your e-mail newsletter. There hasn’t been a single issue you’ve sent out that I didn’t learn something.”
--Len Bailey

“I have bought a lot of your info products. The price is the most reasonable of what anyone is asking for their info products, especially considering the information is more to the point and more valuable than 99.99% of what is out there on the Internet.”
--Christine Loff

Act now and save $20

The cover price of Give a Great Talk is a very reasonable $49 – and that’s what it will be selling for later this year.

But for a limited time only, it’s your for just $29 … a $20 savings off the list price … less than I charge for just 5 minutes of my time!

And that’s your investment only if you agree with me 100% that Give a Great Talk has finally given you the winning formula for organizing, writing, and delivering a great speech or presentation.

If it doesn’t, then it won’t cost you a penny. Here’s why….

Our 100% iron-clad guarantee of satisfaction

I totally guarantee your satisfaction with my new e-book, Give a Great Talk.

If you are unhappy for any reason … or for no reason at all … just let me know within 90 days.

I’ll give you a full and prompt refund. And you can keep the e-book with my compliments.

That way, you risk nothing.

But I urge you to hurry.

This special LOW PRICE of only $29 (a $20 discount off the $49 cover price) is for a limited time only.

And once it expires, it may never be repeated again.

So what are you waiting for?

To order Give a Great Talk on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click here now:

Bob Bly signature
Robert W. Bly

P.S. Order Give a Great Talk now, and you get 3 FREE Bonus Reports:

** FREE Bonus Report #1: Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Audience Engaged and Enthralled (list price: $12). If all you do is talk, you risk having your listeners fall asleep.

In this report, you get an arsenal of involvement and interactivity devices guaranteed to keep the audience bright-eyed and attentive for your entire talk. These include pattern interruptions … shockers … games and contests … props … prizes and rewards … humor … fun … Socratic teaching … audience bonding … and more.

** FREE Bonus Report #2: Presentation Tips for Special Situations (list price: $12). In this report you get tips for handling almost any speaking situation and audience, including: workplace presentations … corporate training … clubs … fraternal organizations … webinars … toasts … association meetings … analyst briefings … eulogies … and many others.

** FREE Bonus Report #3: Organizing Your Talk. (List price: $12). This special report guides you on how to organize your talk. You’ll discover: how to pace yourself … using “bonus content” … what to include – and what to leave out … the 3 Ts formula for organizing your material … choosing your organizational scheme … letting the audience know what’s coming … optimal number of points to make … and more.

Best of all, these 3 bonus reports (total value: $36) are yours to keep FREE … even if you request a refund on the e-book!

To order Give a Great Talk … and get your 3 FREE Bonus Reports … just click below now:

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